Parent Involvement
Our school is a cooperative, which means parents take an active role in the school. The school's success flourishes as the teachers, parents and children work together. Families are asked to agree to the following:
Follow the school policies, rules and regulations and the bylaws of the school as stated in the Parent Handbook (available in the Parent Library).
Pay tuition and other fees on time (tuition due on the 1st of the month, $25 late fee charged after the 10th.)
Attend the four all school required meetings:
Orientation Dessert in September
Class Meetings & Parent-Teacher Training in September
Class Meetings in January
Annual Meeting & Speaker in April
Parent teach according to the schedule and arrive on time and stay until duties are completed. Approximate parent teaching requirements during full enrollment are 14 days for Threes class (1-2 times per month), 16 days for Fours class (2 times per month), and 24 days for Kindergarten class (2-3 times per month). If you are unable to make your teaching day, it is your responsibility to find another parent to cover for you or trade a parent teaching day with another family. *Note: siblings may not attend class when parent is parent teaching.
Participate in one Maintenance or Housekeeping day. These are typically on Saturdays from 9:30am-2pm. Children may not attend Housekeeping day.
Participate in all fundraising projects voted on by the membership.
Carry out the job assigned to the family. The level of responsibility and time commitment varies for each job, but most jobs average about 40 hours for the year.
Drop off and pick up child(ren) on time:
Threes AM Tu/Th 9:00 - 11:30 AM
Fours AM M/W/F 9:00 - 11:30 AM
Threes / Fours PM M/W/F 1:00 - 3:30 PM
Kindergarten M - F 9:00 - 1:00 PM